Web Toys

Here are some browser-based toys that I made in short fits of creativity. >.<

Ancient Chamber

A tiny journey inside some retro-futuristic wireframe models. A pseudo-screensaver.

NOTE: a music track will auto-play in the background, with no interface for muting.

Lost at Sea

Watch the waves ebb and flow as you sit in the middle of a procedurally generated ocean. Listen to a song as the sun crosses the sky. Look for islands and monuments in the distance.

Hints: On desktop, drag your mouse away from the center of the screen to look around horizontally. Return to center to stop rotating. On mobile, poke/tap away from center to increase rate of rotation and poke/tap closer to center to cease rotation.

NOTE: a music track will auto-play in the background, with no interface for muting. May be graphically taxing on some devices (because it's not optimized lol)


Terraformant is a droning synthesizer which uses planetary/terrain-based analogies to represent typical synthesizer functions. Inspired by the topology of the Korg MS-2O. It was meant for beginners but is perhaps too abstract. I'll include a little guide here in the future.

NOTE: sound will auto-play and is manipulated via the sliders interface. Dragging the Masterfade parameter to the left will reduce the volume if needed.